
By working smarter and leveraging our extensive network and experience, Ascension maximizes the value of a development—not only in terms of economics, but what it can offer to investors, businesses, residents and the community as a whole.


The ability to understand and navigate the multi-layered requirements of zoning and land use regulations and related agency policies and procedures, is critical in securing development entitlements. Ascension REP employs a strategic and comprehensive approach to land use and development entitlement permit processes. We have an extensive and proven track record of success and strive to provide clients with the most effective and efficient pathways to project approval.

  • Zoning Approvals
  • Land Use Permits
  • Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
  • Building Permits
  • Site Plan Approval
  • Variances and Exceptions
  • Utility Approvals
  • Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)
  • Historical Preservation Approvals
  • Community and Public Hearings
  • Affordable Housing Compliance
  • Concurrency Approvals
  • Stormwater Management Approvals
  • Signage Approvals
  • Final Plat Approval

Navigating the entitlement process requires careful coordination and communication with local government agencies, community stakeholders, and professionals such as land use attorneys, architects, and planners. Engaging early in the process and staying informed about local regulations is crucial for a successful entitlement process in vertical development.